Why Do Preschoolers Wear Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know

West Hill School Uniform

Meaning & Definition

Preschooler means ‘prior to entering school.

A child whose age is between 3 to 5 years is called a preschooler child.

West Hill School Uniform

Every school has a different dress code from each other, and their dress policies are also different. The Head of the school has the right to determine a specific type of uniform which is appropriate and shows the identity of his school. The Head of the organization has the right to resolve the issue when any full or specific part of the uniform is contrary to the school policy and expectations. The students who do not fulfil the requirements of a specific school may be sent home or separated at the choice of the headteacher to resolve the issue.

 Governors and staff of west hill school believe that preschool child uniforms are a very necessary and valuable aspect of west hill school. They encourage parents to buy school uniforms. They believe that small kids appear more beautiful and confident in proper dress code, so West Hill School gives more importance to uniforms; therefore, West Hill school uniform helps to play a role in the Name and popularity of the school in public. 

Reasons Preschoolers Wear Uniforms

A Uniform is the identity of a student. It shows that a child is connected with a specific organization. A child feels attached to a learning community. Due to school uniforms, a child gives respect to other fellows. A child who wears a uniform feels pride and confidence. A uniform is necessary for small kids because when they wear a uniform, they feel happiness and satisfaction and get confidence for better and more study.

Uniforms for preschool children can help them to feel that he is connected to their teachers and their classmates. It can also help them mentally and emotionally transition from one place to another. Preschoolers feel independence. Uniform connects a child with a particular activity or place. Preschooler children can wear uniforms for various purposes like holiday or church celebrations, cricket, tennis and for other games, and they can also wear uniforms for a fun day at the park and different places.

Uniforms of preschool children help students as well as parents. Precious time of parents is saved. Parents spend less time in the morning searching for matching clothes. A child can also have more time to study in the morning time, play with toys and perform other extra activities in free time. Preschool child uniforms make the morning routine easier for parents. They can give more attention to the feeding of children. School uniform is exact for all students, so any needy child never feels inferior.

Dress Code of West Hill School for Primary Class

  • Royal blue jumper or cardigan
  • Gray trousers or Skirt
  • White shirt or Blouse
  • Yellow or Blue stripe tie
  • Black school shoes
  • White plain or House colour
  • Black shorts

Dress Code of West Hill School for 7 to 11 Years Student

  • White shirt
  • School Tie
  • Black v neck jumper(optional)
  • Black Trousers
  • School Blazer
  • Plain Black polishable shoes

Other Indoor and Outdoor PE Kits of West Hill School Are Given Below

Indoor PE Kit of West Hill School

  • White T-shirt
  • Royal blue shorts
  • White sports socks
  • Trainers with soles
  • Towels

Outdoor PE Kit of West Hill School

  • Red and gold or blue shirt
  • Royal blue
  • Royal blue socks
  • school badge
  • Trainers
  • Football boots
  • Towel

Hairstyle of Student of West Hill School

 West hill school allows the small and groomed hairstyle. It does not allow longer and unusual haircuts.

This style does not like any kind of style like line designs which are put artificially in the hair or eyebrows. It never allows dyeing the hair with different and unnatural colouring. It can allow long hair, but with this condition, hair must be neatly tied back. Boys can also be given permission for facial hair to appear well maintained and for a professional appearance.

All the above-mentioned things depend upon the discretion of the head of a department.    

Importance to Wear a School Uniform

 School uniforms are necessary and play a vital role in developing pride, satisfaction and self-confidence. Uniform removes the stress and pressures of deciding on colour and different matching things from clothes. It saves time for students. Students can get extra time for preparation for exams and other activities. From a uniform, any person can also easily imagine that this student belongs to this type of specific organization. Uniform creates a sense of pride among students, parents, staff and the community. When a student wears a uniform, he improves his own behaviour, maintains discipline and focuses on studying for the reputation of his own school. Uniform reduces the pressure on students to wear the latest fashion brands. It makes a proper mindset for a student to study. Uniform creates equality and a sense of uniformity in the environment of a school.

Instruction Given by West Hill School About Uniforms

To every child given instruction by west hill school that they wear the complete and proper uniform of their school every day regularly. They give instructions to their students relating to many other matters like they encourage them to bring their PE kits every Monday to Friday.

Logo of Uniform of West Hill School

The design of the logo of west hill school was changed in April 2019, and a newly designed logo was introduced at that time.

Uniform of Boys and Girls for West Hill School

  • Pale blue shirt
  • Gray trousers
  • Gray shorts
  • west hill sweatshirt
  • Black shoes
  • Pale blue blouse
  • Gray skirt or trousers
  • Blue checked dress
  • West hill sweatshirt
  • Black shoes
William L. Padilla is a qualified content writer and content strategist from London, UK. He has extensive experience in writing for different websites. He envisions using his writing skills for the education of others.


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